The Eye

Eye Anatomy

Cornea-the transparent dome over the colored portion of the eye, it is the main refractive component of the eye

Sclera-the strong white outer covering of the eye, it provides structure to the eye

Anterior Chamber-fluid filled space located between the cornea and iris

Iris-muscle like structure that regulates the amount of light reaching the retina, gives the eye its color

Pupil-space at the center of the iris where light enters the back of the eye

Lens-structure behind the iris that continues to focus light on the retina, responsible for accommodation (focusing)

Lens Zonules-string like structures attached to the lens that puts tension on the lens to change its shape when focusing

Ciliary Body-muscle involved in focusing the lens and secretes aqueous

Retina-sensory layer at the back of the eye that detects light

Choroid-vascular supply that provides nutrients and oxygen to the retina

Macula-central part of the retina associated with our detailed vision, has a higher concentration of cones

Optic Nerve-takes signals of light from the retina back via the visual pathway to the brain

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